Monthly Club Match


April 2023 SDPS Match If only the match had been on Saturday during setup, as the weather was sunny and warm. Instead we got an overcast and cool, some would say chilly, day. Regardless, the match was great with Ryan Harrigan, the match director, and his protege, Eric LIntz doing a fine job designing stages. As always, many thanks to…


February 2023 SDPS Match David Rice, as our intrepid match director, designed a very challenging course of fire that kept us on our toes. Many thanks to all those who helped set up the stage and to David for putting all the thought and planning to make this happen. Next month’s match director is Kevin Ballment and April is Ryan…

2022 SDPS March Match

Hello Shooters, The March match will be opening for registration on Practiscore on February 10th. The reason for this is that we will be using the new Scoring System Score Shot! With this in mind the Developer of Score Shot has offered to pay the Match Registration fees for any who signs up for the match via Score Shot. To…