Monthly Club Match


SDPS September 2024 Match Steve Reeder, this month’s match director, designed an “even-handed” fun and fast match. Lefties and Righties were all DEI shooters (sorry about the PC remark). The weather gods shone on us as we got off the range by 1:30pm no less for the wear and ready for Labor Day activities. Many thanks to Steve’s gnomes for…


March 2024 SDPS IDPA Match Well, the rain gods favored us both for setup Saturday and for the match on Sunday.  Thank you to Kevin Ballment, our match director, and his faithful minions for setup on Saturday. Our fearless club president, El Presidente Harrigan, announced that there are/were 30 open spots for the Western match in May so get on…


SDPS Match November 5th, 2023 Holiday season is just around the corner and all the shooters who showed up Sunday were in a festive mood. Marty Johnson, the match director, with the assistance of Phil Zidek and many others put up a very good set of stage designs that offered something for everybody. Ryan Harrigan announced December’s match will be…


October 2023 SDPS IDPA Match What a gorgeous weekend for a match. Many thanks to Ryan Harrigan for stepping in to be the match director. Also, thanks to David Hong, Phil Zidek and Fred Mowrey for designing the stages and for everyone who helped with setup on Saturday. We had challenges with this one but got through stage 2 even…

SDPS September 2023 Newsletter

SDPS September 2023 IDPA Match   The merciless string of hot weekend match events finally ended this month. We got mild weather with a hint of precipitation. Steve Reeder was our peerless match director. He and his crew put together a set of very fast shooting, but interesting, stages that left everyone happy and leaving at a decent time to…