SDPS has developed a reputation for putting on fun and challenging major matches for the better part of the past decade. Home to matches like the Gold Country IDPA Regional Championship and the 2014 California State Championship, SDPS decided to level up in 2015 with the advent of the Western States Championship, otherwise known as “The Western.”
The Western Regional IDPA Championship quickly developed a reputation for being one of the more challenging matches in the country. The match has had over 200 competitors at some points over the past 5 matches. Numerous national and world champion shooters have come and competed in this Tier 3 / Tier 4 IDPA Regional Championship match.
SDPS is also home to the Reloaded Regional IDPA Championship. This match is essentially a “deja vu” match, focused on bringing unique and challenging stages to our match staff experiences throughout the country shooting other sanction matches. We bring our top picks back to Sacramento and call it “Reloaded” This match is typically a Tier 3 IDPA match.
Want to get started in the exciting sport of IDPA, but maybe don't know where to start? We're here to help. There's a proven process to getting started with IDPA that we've been following for years. We've even made it easier to get started with recent updates to our club policies.