SDPS March 2019 Match Registration is now open

SDPS Members,

The monthly IDPA Club Match is now open. Please look at the time table below, for when you can register. If you register early I will Delete your request. If no discrepancy with your IDPA membership or SDPS membership, you will be approve in the evening after I get home from work. I DO NOT HAVE THE LIST OF STAGE MANAGERS YET, OR WHO IS THE MD. IF I DO NOT APPROVE YOU RIGHT AWAY PLEASE DON’T TAKE IT PERSONAL. Once I get the list sent to me I will approve you ASAP. If your the MD for March Please email me ASAP at [email protected].

Stage setups start at 7:00am and as soon as setups are completed a shooter’s meeting will be held. Please be ready to shoot starting at 8:30am.

Feb 1-10 of registration is restricted to Match Directors, Stage Designers, BOD, Club Staff
(Please use the codes to register BOD, Officer, SO, MD,SM (8 Stage Manager)

Feb 11-17 of registration is open to SDPS members only.

Feb 18 registration is open to all.

Match fees are $20 for members, $35 for non-members.

* If you no-show on the day of the Match you will receive an email warning that if it happens again you will lose your priority registration. On the second occurrence within a rolling 6 month period triggers the loss of priority registration (until the first occurrence falls off the rolling 6 month period).
*If you withdraw from the match the day before the Match you will receive an email warning that if it happens again you will lose your priority registration. On the second occurrence within a rolling 6 month period triggers the loss of priority registration (until the first occurrence falls off the rolling 6 month period).

If you would like to join SDPS or renew your SDPS membership click on the store link below:

Monthly Match Registration

Eric Carrillo
SDPS Registrar

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