July 2024

Well, July sure brought the heat to this match. We had 73 brave souls show up for the match and most lasted the full 9 stages. Many thanks to Phil Zidek and crew for putting together a national match simulacrum. Fred Mowrey held a classifier for some observers after the match. The regular classifier for attendees will continue at next month’s match. On a special note, there will be an introductory class for IDPA newbies on the Saturday before October’s match.

Match Results
Kevin Ballment ran away with top honors shooting PCC as EX

  • CCP
    • Tony Torres was top dog shooting MA
    • Fred Mowrey was first as EX
    • Nick Harrigan first as SS
  • CDP
    • Art Bennoit was first as MA
    • R Boswell was top EX
    • David Hong was top SS
    • R Bacca was top MM
  • CO
    • B Phares was first shooting MA
    • R Guzman was top EX
    • J Vu was top SS
    • J Ambose was top MM
  • ESP
    • David Rice was top EX
    • B Sare was top SS
    • M Podrasky was top MM
  • PCC
    • Kevin Ballment was top as EX
    • M Reeder was top MA
    • A Chong was top MM
  • REV
    • Clement Tang was top dog as SS
  • SSP
    • Jerome Becker was top dog as MA
    • Eric Lintz was top as SS
    • L Wilson was top as MM

We had 5 lady shooters; 21 Seniors; 19 distinguished Seniors.

Jerome Becker has been shooting from an early age. His father encouraged him and gave him plenty of ammo for his Glock. Jerome shoots USPSA regularly and tries to do a match 3 or more times a month. He estimates that he shoots upwards of 1500 rounds a month and they are all his custom reloads. He has shot 2 or 3 IDPA matches. Check out his overall  ranking this weekend, i.e. number 5. All that practice sure shows. Jerome works as a project manager for Oracle running business solutions. Here I hope that Jerome joins us for more matches.

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