SDPS March 2025 Newsletter

SDPS March 2025 Match

So, the weather was going to be iffy, but all attendees were game. Thanks to the efforts of Fred and Bryan and their setup crew, we were all set to go. After the announcements by Marty, Fred and Phil, we had the pledge of allegiance and were off to the races. We sailed along until in the afternoon the weather hit us with cloud bursts, thunder, lighting and hail. We paused with two stages to go. There were a few breaks in the weather and 61 brave souls decided to stick it out. Did you know that rain falling on the tablets can affect the scoring? We adjusted and finished the match. All in all, it was a very good match.

S Fonesca placed overall shooting PCC as MA

  • Bug:
    • Arthur Benoit placed first as EX
  • CCP
    • B Phares was the top EX
    • D Stroiney was top SS
  • CDP
    • Marty Johnson placed first a EX
    • Phil Zidek placed first as SS
  • CO
    • R Guzman was top MA
    • M Ayala was top EX
    • J Ambrose was top SS
    • E Remas was top MM
  • ESP
    • Tony Torres placed first as MA
    • S Lehr placed first as EX
    • R Billings placed first as MM
  • PCC
    • S Fonesca was top MA
    • T McClintock was top SS
  • REV
    • Ryan Harrigan placed first as MM
  • SSP
    • Nick Harrigan was top EX
    • Brian Jenschke was top SS
    • J Tamagni was the top MM

We had 72 shooters with 61 brave souls completing the match. Among the attendees, we were graced with 5 lady shooters. Also, there were 32 seniors and 14 distinguished seniors.

Eric Lintz is a familiar figure in SDPS. Did you know he served 34 years in the Army as active duty and then reserves? In the beginning of his service, he was an artillerist. He was stationed in Europe with 8-inch artillery rifles (no longer in service) that were designed to fire atomic shells. So, shooting pistols became quite a step down. Eric worked for Hewlett Packard after the military. He is an electrical engineer and has finally retired for the third time. Eric has been married 31 years with a spouse who is very forgiving of his hobby. She has attended two Rocky Mountain Regionals with him as long as they go hiking afterwards. Eric has two adult children. Eric has been very active in SDPS and is the kind of person who, during this event, will go out in the rain on range 5 to repair the cable for the moving targets that transversed the bay.

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