In order for shooters to be able to compete with their peers, IDPA competitors are divided into classifications within each division based upon their skill level. IDPA has a very quick and easy method of classifying shooters. Only currently affiliated clubs may award classifications and only current IDPA members may shoot the classifier or be awarded a classification by a club. SDPS holds an annual “Classifier Match” instead of our traditional 8-stage monthly club match, on the first Sunday of January. In addition, SDPS also offers the condensed “5×5” classifier following each monthly club match for a nominal fee.
From 2022 Match Administration Rules book “M-18 Classification Rules”
IDPA shooters are divided into 7 separate Classifications so that shooters may compete against others of similar skill, using similar equipment. These Classifications are Unclassified, Novice, Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, Master, and Distinguished Master. New IDPA members are Unclassified in a division until they shoot their first IDPA Classifier in that division or receive an Equity Promotion in that division.There are three ways a shooter’s classification can change: by shooting the Classifier, by being promoted based on performance in a Sanctioned Match, or by an Equity Promotion. The IDPA Classifier is a match that classifies shooters. Distinguished Master, however, is only attained by winning the Division Champion title or scoring within 3% of the Division Champion score at the IDPA U.S. Nationals, IDPA U.S. Indoor Nationals, or the IDPA World Championship.
Want to get started in the exciting sport of IDPA, but maybe don't know where to start? We're here to help. There's a proven process to getting started with IDPA that we've been following for years. We've even made it easier to get started with recent updates to our club policies.