
WELCOME TO IDPA the exciting action shooting sport that's based on defensive principles LEARN MORE ABOUT SDPS find out how SDPS became one of the largest IDPA affiliated clubs in the world LEARN MORE CLUB MATCHES SDPS hosts monthly Tier 1 IDPA matches usually consisting of 8 challenging stages LEARN MORE "MAJOR" MATCHES SDPS plays host to 1-2 top-rated sanctioned IDPA matches each year LEARN MORE WORLD-CLASS we are fortunate to call the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center Home LEARN MORE SHOOT IDPA Learn how to get started in this exciting action shooting sport LEARN MORE

Welcome to Sacramento Defensive Pistol Shooters, Inc (SDPS). We are an affiliated club of The International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), the governing body of an international action shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and “real-life” encounters. Founded in 1996 as a response to the desires of shooters worldwide, IDPA now boasts membership of more than 25,000, including members in 70 foreign countries.

IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.

SDPS is the only IDPA club in the immediate Sacramento area, and is one of the largest affiliated clubs in the world. We hold regular monthly IDPA club matches on the first Sunday of each month. SDPS also play host to many of the best shooters in the world, with the club hosting 1-2 IDPA sanctioned major championship matches each year.

Shooting Your First Match with SDPS

Shooting your first IDPA match can be fun... and perhaps a little intimidating. First, stop and know that were here to help. There's a proven process to getting started with IDPA tthat we've been following for years...

Event Location

SDPS IDPA matches are held at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center located between Rancho Murieta, CA and Ione, CA. This 860-acre world-class facility is located within 20 minutes from Sacramento, CA, and around 1.5 hours from the San Francisco, CA bay area.

Recent Posts


Register for the match Match starts: November 03, 2024 @ 8:00 AM · Match ends: November 03, 2024 @ 4:00 PM Location: Sacramento Valley Shooting Center The November monthly Match Director is Marty Johnson. CSO/SO have priority registration. Once we have two Safety Officers to run each squad registration will be open to all. Any help setting up the match on Saturday…


SDPS September 2024 Match Steve Reeder, this month’s match director, designed an “even-handed” fun and fast match. Lefties and Righties were all DEI shooters (sorry about the PC remark). The weather gods shone on us as we got off the range by 1:30pm no less for the wear and ready for Labor Day activities. Many thanks to Steve’s gnomes for…


Results for the Match Match starts: October 06, 2024 @ 8:00 AM · Match ends: October 06, 2024 @ 4:00 PM Location: Sacramento Valley Shooting Center The October monthly Match Director is Jong Choi. CSO/SO have priority registration. Once we have two Safety Officers to run each squad registration will be open to all. Any help setting up the match on Saturday…

We loved shooting our first match with SDPS. I wish ammo was easier to get, because I want to shoot every month now.

New Shooter

Shooting SDPS is where it all got started for me. I now shoot IDPA matches all over the country including Nationals and Worlds, and also compete in USPSA, multi-gun, and even a little cowboy action shooting”

Sean Young